Franz Holzinger

Verse of the day

Denn so du mit deinem Munde bekennst Jesum, daß er der HERR sei, und glaubst in deinem Herzen, daß ihn Gott von den Toten auferweckt hat, so wirst du selig. Denn so man von Herzen glaubt, so wird man gerecht; und so man mit dem Munde bekennt, so wird man selig.
Roemer 10:9-10

© Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

2-01-07 22:27:40 Sorting the posts
Søren Guldbæk Olsen

I would like to hear if anyone knows how to change the sort order of the post in the forum, so that when anyone replays on a post - this post will come in the top of the list.

As I can se this is also the same for this tt_board - it is not the newst post that is in top.. Can anyone help me change that?
14-02-07 19:36:25 sorting done automatically
Franz Holzinger
The sorting will be activated now by default in list forums, not in tree list views.
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